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World Wetland Day

Celebration of World Wetlands Day 2022

2nd February 2022 (Wednesday), Online Mode

Theme: Wetlands Action for People and Nature

Jointly Organized by:

Gujarat Council of Science City

Gujarat Council On Science and Technology

Draft Webinar Programme Schedule

03:00 to 03.05 pm


Dr. Narottam Sahoo



03.05 to 03.10 pm

Brief Address

Shri H C Modi, IAS

Executive Director


03.10 to 03.25 pm

Ecological Values and Ecosystems Services of Wetland : Justification for Services of Wetland

Dr. Ketan Tatu

Senior Scientist

GEER Foundation

03.25 to 03.40 pm

Birds and Wetlands

Shri Uday Vora

DFO (Retd.)

Govt of Gujarat

3.40 to 3.55 pm

Wetlands of Gujarat and its Avifauna: Past relics and

future Concerns

Dr. Ranjitsinh Devkar

Asst Professor of Zoology

M S University,


3.55 to 4.15 pm

Ecosystem Status and conservation needs of Wetlands in Gujarat

Dr. Jayendra Lakhmapurkar


Gujarat Ecology Society


04.20 pm

Question-Answer Session

04.45 pm

Concluding Remarks &

Vote of Thanks

Ms. Harshida Patel


On the occasion of World Wetlands Day on Sunday, February 2, Gujarat Science City along with GUJCOST has organized a special interactive session with Dr. Ketan Tatu, Senior Scientist, Gujarat Ecological Education and Research Foundation (GEER), Shri Uday Vora, Retd. DFO, Dr Ranjitsinh Devkar, Asst Professor of Zoology, M.S University of Baroda and Dr Jayendra Lakhmapurka, Director,  Gujarat Ecology Society through On-line mode.

During the interactive session, Experts will discuss “Wetlands Action for People and Nature. The webinar includes highlighting the importance of actions to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands for humans and planetary health.

Celebrated annually on 2 February, World Wetlands Day aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and planet. The Day also marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar on the shores of the Caspian Sea. 

The webinar will be organized on Google meet from 3.00 hrs to 05.00 hrs with live on Gujarat Science City Facebook page and YouTube channel and social media for broader outreach and wider participation. The link of the programme: meet.google.com/htj-hbcy-fyt and YouTube link: https://youtu.be/o-fgTQwKyw4

The session is open for students, biodiversity researchers and enthusiasts.