The Aquatic Gallery is located in Science City, Ahmedabad. It is India’s largest public aquarium, with almost having the diversity of 280 plus aquatic species. The gallery is constructed by SPCL with the Marinescape. It is spread in 15000 sq mt., and it is divided into different zones, in order to understand the species diversity in simpler manner, from different biogeographical areas/regions with its importance.
The zonation of the gallery is as follows:
• Indian zone
• Asian zone
• African zone
• American zone
• Ocean zone
• Weird and wonderful zone
• Penguin Exhibit
India is a country having a coastline of 7,516.6 km, hence the importance of the various biodiversity from estuarine water to the fresh water and marine is showcased in the gallery with marking the Indian zone. It shows a tank with estuarine water and mangrove ecosystem by emphasising its importance, following by the tanks showing various commercially important fishes of India and the ones which are in threat due to overfishing and other problems. The zone also represents the endangered and threatened species from the different rivers of the country and our national aquatic animal in pictorial way.
Asia being the largest continent on the planet, it is a mix of different geographically situated countries having both fresh and marine water with different chemical properties and hence the biodiversity of the continent is rich, which is showcased by marking the Asian zone. This zone connects science with culture by showing the cultural importance through the tanks having Goldfishes which are said to be the first kept pet fishes when the aquarium hobby started. The tanks having Koi fishes, and Arowana being culturally important by being considered as good luck and sign of prosperity in the countries like Japan and China.
Africa is a continent surrounded by different water bodies; Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. Due to which the richness of aquatic life is at its best, also the two lakes named Lake Victoria which is third largest by the area and Lake Tanganyika which is third largest by the volume showcases the different fresh water colourful life having approximately around 300 species of cichlid fishes. It is also a continent holding an importance because of its evolutionary significance, which is marked by showcasing it through African marbled lungfish tank and mentioning the fossil records found from the continent in pictorial manner in the zone marked as Africa.
American continent also known as the New World due to its late tectonic division holds its importance in evolutionary manner and as well as in the species diversity. It is home to world’s largest river Amazon, which holds a lot of different variety of fishes which are commercially important for the tribal communities for their livelihood. America also is famous for its monster fishes which are showcased by the tanks in the gallery having Paddle fishes, Arapaima, and a living fossil fish called as an Alligator gar.
There are in total about 5 oceans in the world; Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Southern Ocean. All the oceans being situated at different climatic regions at different geographical areas, hence the weather pattern, conditions, and the diversity of the aquatic life differs. To showcase this the Ocean zone is marked. It is the largest zone of the gallery. Certain tanks exhibit the beautiful but dangerous Lion fish, tank exhibiting reef stone fish and its biology, Giant moray eels and especially a tank with the theming of dead corals, which emphasises the important phenomenon of coral bleaching. The highlight of this zone is the Shark tunnel exhibiting three different species of sharks along with various other types of aquatic life. This zone holds a lot of importance in the gallery.
Aquatic life is not just limited with the fishes and its types around the globe, but also includes various other types of aquatic animals arranged in different classes and categories in animal kingdom. It is marked and being showcased by the weird and wonderful zone. This zone shows aquatic animals like starfishes, molluscs, salamanders, frogs etc. the concept of open pool is also kept here in order for people to witness the real biology and shapes, colours and sizes of the animals from near and clear manner.
There are about 17 species of penguins in the world. Our gallery has African penguins in the exhibit. There are certain species of penguins whose existence is in danger due the various manmade and natural phenomenon, and for the same reason to conserve, protect and educate people the penguin exhibit is marked.