Organization Details:
GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY is a society established by Govt. of Gujarat & Registered under the society registration Act. 1860, it was registered on 10th August 1999.
Name : Gujarat Council of Science City
Address : Science City Road, Ahmedabad - 380060
SCIENCE CITY shall have the following Functions
To Promote, Co-ordinate, and exhibits interaction Science, technology, energy and environment with human through personal experience-bases presentation.
To design, Develop or undertake Exhibitions and demonstration of Equipment and educational technology on tier areas of Science & technology irrespective cast, Religion, community or social status.
To organize or to assist in organizing training courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, discussions, dissertation, consultancy services and exhibition Independently or in association with other agencies for the benefit and development of science & technology irrespective of their race, caste, religion, community or social status.
To undertake and encourage research and training for Ecologically sustainable development Conservation, evaluation and utilization of the nation's Biological wealth; Development and harnessing alternate sources of energy; Technology development. Information dissemination and Science Communication
To promote assist or support advancement of Education in Science & technology by conducting institutions, schools, museums, collages and other bodies or by sponsoring the needy students and also to impart, training of personnel.
To provide support to state governments, public bodies and institutions, and/or to undertake responsibility for planning and development of Science Cities in India and/or to undertake the responsibility of running and maintenance of such facilities and activities.
To establish and award research in relevant fellowship, prizes, trainee ships and Finance of specific research in relevant fields and to publish relevant papers, books, journals, periodicals and Newsletters devoted to the activities of Science City.
To collect and disseminate information in regard to science, technology, energy and environment through both print media and electronic media.
To enter in to agreement with foreign scientific agencies, science and technology’ Museums/ Centers or like Institutions in specialized areas pertaining to the activities of Science City for exchange of professionals. Study tours, training, conducting join projects. To provide technical assistance in the establishment of Science Cities and like institutions and for other matter consistent with the aims and objective of Science City.
To constitute committees, study groups and working groups as the Science City may consider necessary for the performance of its function.
To undertake, co-operate and assist the academic institutions and organizations in Formulation of syllabus scheduling of programs for teaching and training including conducting of examinations in the field of and technology.
To promote, support, undertake and provide for the services, publication of books, periodicals, journals, monographs, research papers, magazines, video tapes, C.D. ROMs, documentary file, serial and such other various modes of media irrespective of race, caste, religion, community, or social status.
To establish and maintain a library, providing reading, borrowing, reference and research facilities and catering to the needs of students, practitioners and researchers in the field of Science & technology irrespective of race, caste, religion, community or social status.
To initiate steps to improve the tastes of readers and to promote healthy trends in the development of Science & Technology to suit modern needs and techniques and to evolve programs to ensure professional competence, economic stability and social status irrespective of their race, caste, religion, community, or social status.
To undertake, promote, support, provide and study various activities relating to image creation, image building, public opinion, public awareness campaign etc. for the general public with or without object to help government so as to arrive at decision for the benefit of the public at large with a view to strengthen the democracy.
To act as model agency for the State Government and to co-ordinate the various issues relating to development of science & technology, regarding education, training, advertisement, publicity or information and such other matters as may be assigned by the Government time to time.
To help and co-ordinate the various activities of the Organizations, Trusts" Institutes Any other body corporate related to Science City and to promote co-operation among them, to constitute and become member of federation of such Science City. Irrespective of caste, religion, community, or social status.
To provide or to arrange financial assistance to serving Scientist and pensioner/retired scientist in distress irrespective of race, caste, religion, community, or social status.
To co-operate or collaborate with other institutions in any part of the world having objects wholly or partly similar to those of the Science City in such Manner as may be conducive to their common objects.
Advancement of social and legal justice in the field of Science & Technology.
To promote and support activities relating to polio eradication, AIDS, Cancer, T.B. or any other health programs affecting scientist or their families, irrespective of their race, caste, religion, community, or social status.
To do all other acts and things conducive for the attainment of the above object in most efficient manner possible and such~ other activities which are relevant to fulfill the objectives of the Science City.
About Gujarat Science City
Gujarat Science City is a bold initiative of the Government of Gujarat to popularize science and to create scientific temper in the community is a priority in the emerging environment of knowledge-driven economic growth. The Government of Gujarat has created a sprawling science center at Ahmedabad which aims to provide a perfect blend of education and entertainment.
Working under the aegis of the Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Gujarat, Science city is committed to connecting common citizens with science and to developing scientific temperament in young minds with the aid of entertainment and experiential knowledge. Spreading over a lush green area of more than 107 hectares, the mission is to create imaginative exhibits, virtual reality activity corners, and live demonstrations in an easily understandable manner. Gujarat Science City showcases contemporary and imaginative exhibits, minds on experiences, working models, virtual reality, activity corners, labs and live demonstrations to provide an understanding of science and technology to the common man.
It’s a perfect blend of education and entertainment. It showcases contemporary and imaginative exhibits, minds-on experiences, working models, virtual reality, activity corners, labs, and live demonstrations to provide an understanding of science and technology to the common man.
With the addition of three new attractions -Robotics gallery, Aquatic gallery and Nature Park, Science city has set many new records in this one year. It has become a paradise for visitors.
These world-class galleries are not only attracting visitors of all ages but also making them an important science tourism destination in the state and nation.
Ever since Gujarat Science City 2.0 was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 16th July 2021, it has been visited by innumerable enthusiasts and common visitors as a clean, green, and safe science learning and experience place.
The exhibits in different science galleries cater to all age ranges and have been successful in popularizing scientific exploration among the general public.
In the last year, Gujarat Science City reached a greater height, benchmarking with all National and International Science Centers. About 1 million visitors visited Science City in the last year which is a record for the last 20 years. Time magazine has featured Gujarat Science City as one of the 50 best learning and visiting places in the world, which is a proud moment for Science City.
In May this year, alone 1.5 lakh visitors visited Science City. During the Diwali holidays, more than 35000 visitors visited Science City in just 3 days.
The exhibits in different science galleries cater to all age ranges and have been successful in popularizing scientific exploration among the general public.
As a part of its mission of connecting the community with science, Science City organizes a series of outreach programs, hands-on activities, scientist-interactive sessions, and sky observation programs regularly to make science closer to all with interest and excitement.
Gujarat Science City’s Objectives
To nurture and stimulate the scientific faculties of community and develop rational thinking and scientific temper.
To promote innovative and experimental activities through minds-on exposures and hands-on learning process.
To promote and exhibit interaction of science, technology, energy and environment with human life.
To showcase the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs
To establish a countrywide network with Shared programs in association with various Institutions and organizations..
Gujarat Science City’s Vision
To be a world class Science Promotion and Popularization Platform with education through entertainment.
Gujarat Science City’s Mission
To be a vibrant and imaginatively designed facility, where visitor discovers the wonders of science and have access to the most exciting and contemporary forms of entertainment in a relaxed atmosphere at an affordable price.
Gujarat Science City’s Cutting edge Scientific Attractions:
Robotics Gallery: An interactive gallery that demonstrates the development in the domain of robotics. A socially skilled humanoid robot welcomes guests and introduces them to the facility.
Aquatic Gallery: It takes visitors on a memorable voyage to the aqua world that features India's largest public aquarium with a state-of-the-art life support system. The aquarium is home to many species including sharks, in three different tanks and 27 meters’ underwater walkway tunnel
Nature Park: Spread over an area of more than 20 acres, the Nature Park is a crown to the adventures of Science City. It houses a Mist Bamboo Tunnel, an Oxygen Park, a Butterfly Garden, Water Rides, a Color Garden, a Chess, and play areas for children.
Energy Park: Energy Education Park covers a total area of nearly 9000 square meters in a hexagonal grid pattern. The five elementary aspects (Panchbhuta) of ancient Indian philosophy are used to classify the exhibitions at Energy Park.
Hall of Science: The Hall of Science is a largely open research facility where guests can participate in practical learning displays and study science via exploration. It encourages visitors to interact with the displays by touching and operating them, as well as learning about the intriguing science underpinning them.
Hall of Space: With high-resolution pictures and visitor-interactive digital control displays, the space exploration zone chronicles important breakthroughs in space research and development.
Life Science Park: Its goal is to bring scientific knowledge and ecology to the experience of children and to inspire them to learn about nature, man, and their progression, as well as the multiplication and survival of life on our planet. The major goal of this immersive outdoor park is to inspire youngsters to learn about nature and to become interested in the evolution, dissemination, and survival of life forms.
Planet Earth: Its goal is to raise public awareness, instruct, and teach people about natural calamities such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides, as well as to promote our planet's stunning splendor and bountiful realities
IMAX 3D: The IMAX experience is the most impactful and immersive film experience globally. IMAX technology transports you to never-before-seen worlds with spectacular pictures up to eight stories high and surround-sound 12,000-watt digital audio.
Science Programs: The programs and events held at Science City nudges young minds with scientific questions and open the window to the discoveries and facts that run the world.
Amphitheater: Gujarat Science City's Amphitheater (Open Air Theater) has a total capacity of 1200 people and conducts scientific events, particularly science popularization. Learners and community leaders may promote an atmosphere where scientific facts and statistics meet the thrill, passion, and power of the stage for a little innovation.
LED Screen: The 1,84,320 tiny LEDs on the large LED (Light Emitting Diode) screen at Gujarat Science City, which measures 20 x 12 feet, are used to portray characters or show narratives.
Vigyan Bhavan: Air conditioned PEB structure with LED screen and stage, having cacpcity of 5000 seating with Hall Area (Sq Mt) of 4520. Recent program includes: - Gaganyaan Outreach Program in April 2022, Gujarat Tourism Award in May 2022, Gujarat Gyaan Guru Quiz Launch in June 2022 and many more.
Science Dome: Air conditioned PEB structure having capacity of 800 seating with Hall Area (Sq Mt) of 840. Recent program includes: - Summer Science Program 2022, Garima Cell Launch in June 2022 and many more.
Visitors Amenities:
Online Ticket Booking: Visitors can now book tickets online from https://sciencecity.gujarat.gov.in or from Science City Mobile App
Golf Cart/My Bike: Visitors can rent a bicycle (My Bike) to ride around the campus or you can hire a golf cart for pick-up and drop inside the campus
Food Court: Science City has a diverse food court with variety of options ready to serve visitors
Wheel Chair: Science City provides Wheel Chair for Divyang or needy visitor
Website: Visit https://sciencecity.gujarat.gov.in for updates regarding Science City or to book tickets.
Social Media: Visitors can also find Gujarat Science City on different Social Media platforms:
Instagram/ Twitter/Facebook: @GujScienceCity
Facebook: ScienceCity
Youtube: Science City Ahmedabad