NAME : Bluestripe snapper
NAME OF THE SPECIE: Bluestripe snapper
LOCATION : The bluestripe snapper is one of the most widespread species of the Lutjanidae, ranging from the coast of Egypt bordering the Red Sea, south to Madagascar and east to India, China, Southeast Asia, Australia, and a number of Pacific islands.
HABITAT: Like many snappers, it inhabits coral reefs, occurring in both shallow lagoons and on outer reef slopes
WEIGHT: UPTO 40 cm UPTO 0.4 kg
DIET: Not Details
FOOD: The bluestripe snapper has a varied diet, feeding on fishes, shrimp, crabs, stomatopods, cephalopods and planktonic crustaceans, as well as plant and algal materials. Diets vary with age, location, and the prevalent prey items available locally.
FOOD & DIET: Feed on fishes, shrimp, crabs, stomatopods, cephalopods and planktonic crustaceans, as well as plant and algal materials.
FACT: The [common] bluestripe snapper, bluestripe sea perch or blue-line snapper, Lutjanus kasmira, is a species of snapper native to the Indian Ocean from the coast of Africa and the Red Sea to the central Pacific Ocean. It is commercially important and sought as a game fish. It can also be found in the aquarium trade.
વૈજ્ઞાનિક નામ : Lutjanus kasmira
જાતિનું નામ: Bluestripe snapper
સ્થાન: વિગતો નથી
લંબાઈ અને વજન: વિગતો નથી
ખોરાક (વૈકલ્પિક) આહાર : વિગતો નથી
વિશેષતા: વિગતો નથી
वैज्ञानिक नाम : Lutjanus kasmira
जाति का नाम : Bluestripe snapper
जगह: कोई विवरण नहीं
लंबाई और वजन: कोई विवरण नहीं
खाना: कोई विवरण नहीं
भोजन (वैकल्पिक) आहार: कोई विवरण नहीं
विशेषता: कोई विवरण नहीं