NAME : Blue Discus
LOCATION : Discus are native to the South American countries of Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, and Columbia and are found inhabitating the tributaries of the Amazon River within those countries.
HABITAT: It’s not often seen in the main river channels, being mostly found in slow-moving tributaries and forest pools. Here it lives in schools in deep, sheltered areas around tree roots and rocks.
WEIGHT: UPTO 25 cm UPTO 0.2 kg
DIET: Not Details
FOOD: Since they are carnivorous Discus will generally enjoy a wide variety of all kinds of live and frozen foods. Foods such as both frozen and live brine shrimp, bloodworms, chopped beef heart, and whiteworms are readily eaten by Discus. In addition, tank bred Discus are sometimes known to accept food in a flake or pellet form, though in general most Discus prefer the "real" thing.
FOOD & DIET: Feed on frozen and live brine shrimp, bloodworms, chopped beef heart, and whiteworms
FACT: The elegant and regal Discus have been entitled the "King of the Aquarium Fishes"!
વૈજ્ઞાનિક નામ : Symphysodon aequifasciatus
જાતિનું નામ: Blue Discus
સ્થાન: વિગતો નથી
લંબાઈ અને વજન: વિગતો નથી
ખોરાક (વૈકલ્પિક) આહાર : થીજવેલા અને જીવતા સમુદ્રી ઝીંગા, કીટક, બ્લડવોર્મ, કટકા કરેલુ માંસ અને વ્હાઈટ વોર્મ ખાય છે.
વિશેષતા: પોતાની અપ્રતિમ સુંદરતાને લીધે રીગલ ડીસ્કસ ને માછલીઘરનો રાજા કહેવામાં આવે છે.
वैज्ञानिक नाम : Symphysodon aequifasciatus
जाति का नाम : Blue Discus
जगह: कोई विवरण नहीं
लंबाई और वजन: कोई विवरण नहीं
खाना: कोई विवरण नहीं
भोजन (वैकल्पिक) आहार: जमाए गए और जीवित समुद्री झींगे, कीड़े, कटा हुआ मांस और व्हाइटवर्म खाती है।
विशेषता: अपनी अप्रतिम सुंदरता के कारण ही रीगल डिस्कस को मछलीघर का राजा कहा जाता है!