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Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat

Detail Advertisement for engaging Engineering Graduate Apprentice for the Year 2021-22

Gujarat Council of Science City (GCSC) working under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Gujarat invites application for apprenticeship for one-year training in the following traders with B.E/B.Tech under the Apprentice Act 1961 and Amendment Act of 1973.

Sr. No. Subject filed of Graduate No of Apprentice Subject Monthly Stipend in (Rs.)
1 B.E / B.Tech. 05 Mechanical/Electronics/ Electrical/Civil/IT Rs.9000/-
2 Diploma 05 Mechanical/Electronics/Electrical/Civil/IT Rs.8000/-
3 Any Graduate 20 Any discipline Rs.9000/-
4 ITI 20 Mechanical/Electronics/Electrical/ Fitter/Carpenter/ Air Conditioner/Plumber/Wireman Rs.7000/-

The above applications are invited for the different pavilions of Gujarat Science City, Ahmedabad.

2. Selection Procedure

The consolidated applications will be screened subsequently and selection panels will be drawn based on the academic score of the candidate at Degree level. The induction of apprentices against the vacant training positions will be made strictly based on their in the panel. Only selected candidates will be informed through offer letter by email.

For this purpose, the candidate shall fill the application from enclosed Annexure-A. The candidates are advised to e-mail a copy of the following documents in PDF format with the subject indicating “Application for the above mentioned Apprenticeship Category” only to scityahmedabad@gmail.com for the further processing and shorting of the candidates.

i. Application Form

ii. 10th Std. Marks/Certificate

iii. 12th Std Marks Card/Certificate

iv. Degree Marks Cards of all semesters/Years

v. Degree Certificate

All correspondence with candidates shall be done through email only. Responsibility of downloading and printing of Application form/ offer letter shall be that of candidate. GCSC will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail sent due to invalid/wrong e-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery email to SPAM/BULK mail folder.

3. Other Terms & Condition for selection of Apprentices:

    1. Candidate must apply through the online platform on official website sciencecity.gujarat.gov.in

    2. The selected candidate will require register their names at www.mhrdnats.gov.in. While enrolling candidature, candidate is required to upload Degree certificate and valid ID issued by the government. After the successful registration of application over the portal, an Enrolment Number will be generated and allotted to applicant.

    3. Those candidates who have completed the qualifying examination as regular candidates are only eligible to apply.

    4. Ex-Apprentices or Apprentices currently undergoing training or having job experience in Govt./Public/Private Sector for a period of one year or more as on date of joining as apprentices are not eligible to be considered for the above Apprenticeship training. Combining of apprenticeship with other institutions is not permitted.

    5. Selected candidate must execute a contract of Apprenticeship training as per the provision of the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Amendment Act of 1973.

    6. The period of Training will be 12 months commencing from execution of the contract of Apprenticeship.

    7. Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this circular.

    8. The apprentices will have no claim whatsoever, for regular employment in Gujarat Council of Science City (GCSC) or any other offices/ museum of GCSC.

    9. Courses should be recognized by Indian/ Universities/ State Boards

    10. The Candidates who have passed sandwich courses, obtained private degree, short term/certificates courses, etc. or candidates pursuing higher studies (M.E/ M. Tech in case of graduate candidate)

    11. Only Indian Nationals need to apply.

    12. Empanelment/Short listing of candidates will be on the basis of information furnished in the email communication. If there is any discrepancy is found in name, age, Diploma/Degree percentage & year of passing, caste/tribe etc. at any stage, it will be considered as disqualification of the candidature and the candidate will have no claim for Apprenticeship Training.

    13. Only shortlisted candidate candidates will be called for documents verification and further process subject to availability of vacant position for Apprenticeship. Candidates will have to produce all the relevant documents in original (proof for date of birth, mark sheets, testimonials & certificates of all education qualification, caste/tribe/disability certificates etc. in prescribed format) as and when asked for, failing which the candidate will be considered disqualified for Apprenticeship training.

    14. Candidates shortlisted for document verification are not eligible for Travelling Allowance.