During the purchase the GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY takes the following points into consideration.
In accordance with the provisions of MOA of the GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY, and the powers given to executive committee and Governing Body, The Channel of submission and supervision is, Governing body ---- Executive Committee ----- Member Secretary, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY ----- Executive Director, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY.
Governing Body ---- Executive committee ---- Member Secretary, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY ---- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY----Administrative & account officer, (for decisions which do not fall within the power of executive committee but fall within the powers of Governing Body)
Executive Committee ---- Member Sectary, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY ------ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY---- Administrative & accounts officer, (for decisions which do not fall within the powers of member secretary but fall within the powers of Executive Committee)
Member Secretary, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY ---- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY ---- Administrative & Account officer, ( for the decision which fall within the power of member secretary)
The Financial powers for capital as well as reveal exp. Have been provisioned and the same have been delegated to executive committee and member Secretary GCSC, The channel for financial decisions
Governing Body ----- Executive Committee ---- Member Secretary, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY -----Executive Director (for decision which do not fall within the powers of executive committee but fall within the powers of Governing Body,)
Executive committee ---- Member Secretary, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY --- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY---- Administrative & Account officer, (for decision which do not fall within the powers of member secretary but fall within the powers of Executive Committee)
Member Secretary, GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY ----- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY ---- Administrative & Accounts officer, (for the decision which fall within the power of member secretary)
The purchases are being done by inviting minimum three quotations and for the projects work tenders are invited by giving advertisement through newspaper.
For the projects works before the tender is invited the estimate from architect is being taken for design, cost etc.
GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY invites the tender by two bid system that is technical and financial bid.
The negotiations are being done with L1 party of the tender and the other technical and financial evaluations are being done by PMC.
The purchase of computer is being done as per policy of GOG.
The audit of the above purchases is carried out by Qualified Chartered Accountant every year.
Land was purchase by consent award by higher land Price Fixation Committee from by Government of Gujarat.
Tenders are being called from various AMC in GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY.
Also GUJARAT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE CITY is doing for empanelment of vendors Where in works shall be invited from the empaneled contractors / vendors.