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Oceans of the World Zone

Synanceia verrucosa

NAME : Reef Stonefish

NAME OF THE SPECIE: Reef Stonefish

LOCATION : This stonefish lives primarily above the Tropic of Capricorn. It is the most widespread species in the stonefish family, and is known from shallow tropical marine waters in the Pacific and Indian Oceans from the Red Sea to the Great Barrier Reef.

HABITAT: They usually live on rubble or coral bottoms, often under rocks or ledges, but are also known to be able to bury in sand using their large pectoral fins.

WEIGHT: 35cm(14in) 1KG

DIET: Not Details

FOOD: The Reef Stonefish eats fishes and crustacea.

FOOD & DIET: Not Details

FACT: The Reef Stonefish has thirteen stout dorsal fin spines which can inject an extremely poisonous venom

Synanceia verrucosa

વૈજ્ઞાનિક નામ : Synanceia verrucosa

જાતિનું નામ: Reef Stonefish

સ્થાન: વિગતો નથી

લંબાઈ અને વજન: વિગતો નથી

ખોરાક (વૈકલ્પિક) આહાર : વિગતો નથી

વિશેષતા: વિગતો નથી

Synanceia verrucosa

वैज्ञानिक नाम : Synanceia verrucosa

जाति का नाम : Reef Stonefish

जगह: कोई विवरण नहीं

लंबाई और वजन: कोई विवरण नहीं

खाना: कोई विवरण नहीं

भोजन (वैकल्पिक) आहार: कोई विवरण नहीं

विशेषता: कोई विवरण नहीं