NAME : Whitetip Reef Shark
NAME OF THE SPECIE: Whitetip Reef Shark
LOCATION : The Whitetip Reef Shark is wide ranging in the Indo-Pacific. It occurs along the east coast of Africa from South Africa to Red Sea, Indian Ocean islands, northern Indian Ocean, including India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam, the Philippines, Australia, New Guinea and Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia to the Hawaiian Islands and Pitcairn group. The species is also found in the eastern Pacific, Cocos Islands, Galapagos and Panama to Costa Rica.
HABITAT: Whitetip Reef Sharks are closely associated with coral reefs in clear, tropical waters.
HABITAT (15-20 words): Inhabit coral reefs in clear, tropical waters.
WEIGHT: upto 213 cm upto 18.3 KG
DIET: Not Details
FOOD: Carnivore. Crab, lobster and octopi off the sea floor, but its primary source of food is several types of boney fishes including but not restricted to damselfish (Pomacentridae), parrotfish (Scaridae), surgeonfish (Acanthuridae), goatfish (Mullidae), triggerfish (Balistidae), squirrelfish (Holocentridae) and eels (Anguilliformes).
FOOD & DIET: Feed primarily on boney fishes like damselfish, parrotfish, goatfish, triggerfish and eels.
FACT: Whitetip reef sharks are rarely aggressive towards humans, though they may investigate swimmers closely. The lever of this shark has been reported to be toxic.
NAME : Blacktip Reef Shark
NAME OF THE SPECIE: Blacktip Reef Shark
LOCATION : Blacktip Reef Shark is a common tropical Indo-West Pacific and Central Pacific species with a range extending from Thailand to China, Japan, the Philippines, New Caledonia and northern Australia. Blacktip Reef Sharks have been reported from many Pacific Islands including: the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands (Blaber and Milton 1990) the Gilbert Islands, the Society Islands south to the Tuamotu Archipelago and also the Hawaiian Islands. The species is also present in South Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles and Madagascar to the Red Sea, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Andaman and the Maldive Islands. This shark has also penetrated the eastern Mediterranean Sea, probably via the Suez Canal from the Red Sea.
HABITAT: The Blacktip Reef Shark is commonly found in shallow waters on and near coral reefs. This species is often seen in water only a few metres deep and is occasionally present in brackish waters.
HABITAT (15-20 words): Inhabit shallow waters on and near coral reefs.
WEIGHT: upto 180 cm. ; upto 5 KG.
DIET: Not Details
FOOD: teleost fishes also include crustaceans, cephalopods and other molluscs, consumed terrestrial and sea snakes.
FOOD & DIET: Feed on crustaceans, cephalopods and other molluscs.
FACT: Among the most abundant sharks inhabiting the tropical coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, this species prefers shallow, inshore waters. The denticles of blackreef shark are tooth like in structure and embedded firmly in the skin.
NAME : Zebra Shark
LOCATION : The Zebra Shark is found in inshore waters of the continental and insular shelves of the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans.
HABITAT: The Zebra Shark occurs in tropical and subtropical, shallow inshore and offshore waters, often found on and around coral and rocky reefs and on sandy plateaus near coral, at depths down to at least 62 m. They are often observed resting on the bottom as well as swimming near the surface as both juveniles and adults.
HABITAT (15-20 words): Inhabit tropical and sub tropical, shallow inshore and offshore waters in and around coral and Rocky reefs and on Sandy plateaus.
WEIGHT: upto 345 cm upto 100 kg
DIET: Not Details
FOOD: Zebra sharks are omnivorous animals but tend to have a more meat-based diet. Zebra sharks feed on small fish, crabs, shrimp, snails and other small invertebrates along with squid and sea snakes which they forage for in the coral reefs
FOOD & DIET: Though they are Omnivorous, Zebra sharks tend to have a more meat based diet of fish, crabs and shrimp.
FACT: Zebra sharks are nocturnal and spend most of the day resting motionless on the sea floor. At night, they actively hunt for molluscs, crustaceans, small bony fishes, and possibly sea snakes inside holes and crevices in the reef.
વૈજ્ઞાનિક નામ : Triaenodon obesus
જાતિનું નામ: Whitetip Reef Shark
સ્થાન: વિગતો નથી
લંબાઈ અને વજન: વિગતો નથી
ખોરાક (વૈકલ્પિક) આહાર : મુખ્યત્વે હાડકાવાળી માછલીઓ જેવી કે ડેમ્સલફિશ,પેરટફિશ,ગોટફિશ, ટ્રીગરફિશ અને ઇલ ખાય છે.
વિશેષતા: વ્હાઈટ ટીપ રીફ શાકે જવલ્લેજ મનુષ્યો પ્રતિ આક્રમક હોય છે. જોકે તે તરનાર મનુષ્યોની તપાસ નજીકથી કરે છે.
વૈજ્ઞાનિક નામ : Carcharhinus melanopterus
જાતિનું નામ: Blacktip Reef Shark
સ્થાન: વિગતો નથી
લંબાઈ અને વજન: વિગતો નથી
ખોરાક (વૈકલ્પિક) આહાર : ક્રસ્ટેશિયન્સ ,સિફેલોપોડ અને બીજા મોલસ્ક ખાય છે.
વિશેષતા: બ્લેક રીફ શાર્કની દંત પંક્તિયો ની સંરચના દાંત જેવી હોય છે. અને તે તેની ત્વચામાં સારી રીતે ખુંપેલી હોય છે.
વૈજ્ઞાનિક નામ : Stegostoma fasciatum
જાતિનું નામ: Zebra Shark
સ્થાન: વિગતો નથી
લંબાઈ અને વજન: વિગતો નથી
ખોરાક (વૈકલ્પિક) આહાર : જો કે ઝેબ્રા શાર્ક સર્વભક્ષી હોય છે, પરંતુ તે માછલી,કરચલા અને ઝીંગા જેવો માંસલ આહાર ખાવાનુ પસંદ કરે છે.
વિશેષતા: ઝેબ્રા શાર્કની લાંબી પૂંછડી તેમને વધુ ચપળ બનાવે છે જે તેમને ઝડપથી તરવા અને તેમના શિકારને પકડવાની અથવા તેમના શિકારીઓથી ભાગવા દે છે.
वैज्ञानिक नाम : Triaenodon obesus
जाति का नाम : Whitetip Reef Shark
जगह: कोई विवरण नहीं
लंबाई और वजन: कोई विवरण नहीं
खाना: कोई विवरण नहीं
भोजन (वैकल्पिक) आहार: प्राथमिक रूप से डैम्सेलफिश, पैरटफिश, गोटफिश, ट्रिगरफिश और ईल जैसी पुष्ट मछलियाँ खाना पसंद करती हैं।
विशेषता: व्हाइटटिप रीफ शार्क मनुष्यों के प्रति बहुत ही कम आक्रामक होती है, लेकिन तैरते हुए मनुष्यों को बहुत करीब से निरखती है।
वैज्ञानिक नाम : Carcharhinus melanopterus
जाति का नाम : Blacktip Reef Shark
जगह: कोई विवरण नहीं
लंबाई और वजन: कोई विवरण नहीं
खाना: कोई विवरण नहीं
भोजन (वैकल्पिक) आहार: परुषकवची, कपालपाद और अन्य सीपियाँ खाती हैं।
विशेषता: ब्लैकरीफ शार्क की दंतिकाएँ बनावट में दाँतों जैसी ही होती हैं और त्वचा में अच्छी तरह सजी होती हैं।
वैज्ञानिक नाम : Stegostoma fasciatum
जाति का नाम : Zebra Shark
जगह: कोई विवरण नहीं
लंबाई और वजन: कोई विवरण नहीं
खाना: कोई विवरण नहीं
भोजन (वैकल्पिक) आहार: वैसे तो ज़ेब्रा शार्क सर्वाहारी होती है, लेकिन ये मुख्य रूप से मांसल आहार पसंद करती हैं, जिसमें मछलियाँ, केकड़े और झींगे शामिल हैं।
विशेषता: ज़ेब्रा शार्क की लंबी पूंछ उन्हें और अधिक चुस्त बनाती है जो उन्हें जल्दी से तैरने और अपने शिकार को पकड़ने या अपने शिकारी से भागने देती है।