Hall of Space and Hall of Science pavilion in Gujarat Science City with its scientific & educative exhibits urges the visitors, students and youth to cultivate scientific temper and enrich their contribution in the Nation Building.
The space exploration area covers the major breakthrough in space research and its development with high resolution photographs and visitor interactive computer control exhibits. This exhibit area explains the concept of Big Ban and expanding Universe. The display and info graphic exhibit about famous landing on moon highlights the historic voyage of Apollo 11.The displays on life cycle of Stars and Galaxies and the probable collision of Andromeda Galaxy with our Milky Way galaxy surprises the visitors with information. The Kalpana Chawla space shuttle enclave in this section is the tribute to daughter of India:-Kalpana Chawla who has inspired millions of youth for taking career as Astronaut in Space. The working model of International Space Station is a must view exhibit in this section.
India in Space showcases the brilliant Achievement of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) with prototype models of all major Indian satellites and launch vehicles. The info graphic display showcasing the milestones of ISRO and the indigenous NAVIC clock developed by ISRO is the major highlight of this section. This exhibit section also has underlines the major contribution of Father of Indian Space Program:- Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. This exhibit section has mesmerizing selfie corner with most popular Indian President and Scientist:-Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. The scale model of first Indian experimental Geo-stationary satellite APPLE in this section signifies the journey of Indian Space program.
PSLV Launching exhibit demonstrates the live launching of PSLV C11 which launched Chandrayaan1. (PSLV) is an replaceable launch system developed and operated by the Indian space research Organization (ISRO). It was developed to allow India to launch its Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites, a service that was, until the entry of the PSLV, commercially available only from Russia. PSLV can also launch small size satellites into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO). The notable payloads launched by PSLV include; Chandrayaan‐1 (India's Unmanned Lunar Probe) and India's Mars Orbiter Mission. It is the most successful launch vehicle in ISRO, till date.
Chandrayaan-3 was a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. It consisted of Lander and Rover configuration. It was launched by LVM3 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota. The propulsion module carried the lander and rover configuration till 100 km lunar orbit. The Lander and the Rover were equipped with the scientific payloads to carry out experiments on the lunar surface. Chandrayaan-3 mission’s lander name was Vikram and the rover name was Pragyan, like those of the second mission.India’s third lunar mission, Chandrayaan – 3 created history on August 23, 2023, by successfully achieving a soft landing on the south pole of the moon. With this, India became the first nation to land on the moon’s South Pole and the fourth (after Russia, the US and China) to land successfully on Earth’s only natural satellite.
Solar System interactive show popularly known as ‘Miya Phuski and Robot Show’ attracts visitors to explore the solar system and beyond with animatronics and sound synchronized Pneumatic robots. While Life in outer space show with seven screen panoramic projection and surround sound explains the possibility of Life beyond the solar system and finds the answer to the puzzling question ‘ARE WE ALONE ‘ in this vast Universe.
A motion simulator, that takes the visitors to a journey through the solar system exploring each planet along with thrilling encounter with a black hole and landing on Mars. After the thrill of landing on mars an event simulator takes the visitors inside a Mars capsule wherein they perform experiments which one day the scientists will perform on the Martian soil in search of some form of life.
Mechanics exhibit area explores the laws of mechanics, working of gears, generation of electricity through bicycle motion etc. Enjoy lifting yourself with help of science of pulleys and explore the significance of centre gravity of any object during its motion and stability. The exhibits on centrifugal force, conservation of energy, gears etc engage visitors to learn science by personal participation.
Transformation of energy has basic energy exhibits showcasing the conversion of various forms of energy to one another. In this enclave, with interactive self-learning exhibits like vibration to electric, solar to electric, chemical to electric etc. visitors understand how one form of energy is transformed to another.
Mathematics section is a playground which highlights the importance of mathematics in daily life. The interactive exhibits on ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, Gaussian curve, Mobius curve etc. involve visitors to understand the principles of mathematics principles in a joyful way. Here Mathematics learning is fun.
Mirrors usually reflect the images. But what about the mirrors which distort or reverse the image? But then there are half mirrors that combine two images into one and create an illusion. There is an amazing mirror image where you see a rose but can never catch it. And of course, a big mirror maze wherein you almost get lost in multiple reflection. It's a magic world of mirrors doing all the tricks.